Why didn’t Dr Weiss question Catherine more closely about this astonishing claim? It could simply have been the result of Catherine’s vivid imagination. – In another hypnosis session, Catherine claimed that her daughter from 1863 BC, called Cleastra, was her niece in the present time called Rachel. Yet this date could not have existed at that time, so how could Catherine possibly have seen it? In later hypnosis sessions, Catherine was only able to reveal the date of her past life if she could “see or hear” it: so it makes a complete nonsense of history to be able to “see” a date that didn’t exist contemporaneously. 28 – In regressing under hypnosis an anonymous patient called Catherine to a “past life”, Dr Weiss claims that Catherine can “vividly” see that, “The year is 1863 BC”. Rather than a conventional review, I will go through some of the claims made in the book, page by page, and show how it's full of nonsense. The fact that he chose not to has, I believe, discredited his book as a work of fairy tale-like fiction. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.This is one of the worst books I've ever read - parading as a scientific analysis when it is nothing of the sort.ĭr Weiss has conducted his research without scientific protocols or peer review, yet as a "scientist", Dr Weiss should have the skills and resources necessary to have conducted his "investigation" properly and scientifically. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from the space between lives, which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Brian Weiss describes being astonished and perplexed when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks.

In this narrative of the turning point in his psychiatric career, Dr. Este relato, profundamente conmovedor, punto de encuentro entre ciencia y metafísica, constituyó un extraordinario best-séller y sigue siendo la obligada lectura en un mundo convulsionado, en especial para los que buscan un nuevo sentido espiritual. Ellos le comunicaron importantes mensajes de sabiduría y de conocimiento.

Catherine se curó, pero ocurrió algo todavía más importante: logró ponerse en contacto con los Maestros, espíritus superiores que habitan los estados entre dos vidas. Una de sus pacientes, Catherine, recordó bajo hipnosis varias de sus vidas pasadas y pudo encontrar en ellas el origen de muchos de los traumas que sufría. El doctor Brian Weiss, jefe de psiaquiatría del hospital Mount Sinai de Miami, relata en éste, su primer libro, una asombrosa experiencia que cambió por completo su propia vida y su visión de la psicoterapia.